The WFDA Professional Women’s Conference provides opportunities for women in the funeral business to reach their full potential by addressing their unique challenges in a safe environment and building connections within the death care industry. We invite you to join us for a day of networking, continuing education and relaxation!
Early Bird Registration (ends 2/16/24): WFDA Member - $125 Non-Member - $250
General Registration (after 2/16/24): WFDA Member: $165 Non Member: $330
Registration cost includes dinner on Tuesday night, breakfast and lunch on Wednesday
Optional Activities:
Painting Party - $35 Bath Bombs - $25 (max of 10 ppl per session)
Earn up to 9 CEUs!
Conference Schedule:
Tuesday April 16th 3-6pm Optional Activities - Paint & Party or Bath Bombs 6-7pm Caring for Families & Caring for Yourself 7-8pm Dinner and Roundtable Discussion
Wednesday April 17th 8-9am Registration & Breakfast 9-10:50am Hire, Retain, and Develop Future Leaders 10:50-12pm Leading with Strength 12-1pm Lunch 1-2pm Career in Funeral Service 2-2:50pm The Evolution of Technology in Funeral Service 2:50-4:45pm The Power of Human Connection
Clothing Exchange: Bring your gently used suits and dress clothes to the PWC Clothing Exchange and browse for new-to-you outfits! The remaining clothing items will be donated to a local women's clothing drive.
Sponsorships Available
Event Sponsors
11801 W. Silver Spring Drive, Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53225
(608) 256-1757 | FAX: (608) 646-7631
© 2024 Wisconsin Funeral Directors Association.
All Rights Reserved.