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August 2023 Member Spotlight

Jim Luff

Jim Luff is a WFDA allied member with Chosen Payments and this month's member

spotlight. His favorite part of his role includes being able to travel and connect with

funeral directors. Chosen Payments was initially introduced into funeral service through

an invitation by the California Funeral Directors Association to attend a show in 2016.

Attending and working at their booth for this event was Jim's first experience with

funeral service, and his very first trade show for this company!

Chosen Payments is an Aurora Company and one of the most prominent credit card

processors in the industry. This credit card payment processing supplier works closely

with various industries to improve electronic payments. Jim learned quickly that funeral

homes serve families, not “customers” and he strives to make sure the families have

many payment options in their time of grief. One example of this is introducing payment

links to funeral homes thus creating simple payment methods and taking advantage of

up-to-date technology. A large benefit of WFDA for him and his company is the

proactive communication from WFDA to their members, both funeral homes and allied

companies. This type of communication provides multiple opportunities to connect with

other members as well as provide member updates and highlight current education


In addition, when Jim is not working or traveling, he loves to support and connect with

his 10 grandkids. They are quite involved in extracurricular activities, so he frequently

attends softball, football, lacrosse, and soccer games plus theater performances. He

also enjoys watching NASCAR and birdwatching, a new hobby picked up during Covid.


11801 W. Silver Spring Drive, Suite 200

Milwaukee, WI 53225

(608) 256-1757 | FAX: (414) 464-0850

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